The Reality of Human Consciousness

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The cosmic-mind-endowed, Adjuster-indwelt, personal creature possesses innate recognition-realization of energy reality, mind reality, and spirit reality. The will creature is thus equipped to discern the fact, the law, and the love of God. Aside from these three inalienables of human consciousness, all human experience is really subjective except that intuitive realization of validity attaches to the unification of these three universe reality responses of cosmic recognition.

The God-discerning mortal is able to sense the unification value of these three cosmic qualities in the evolution of the surviving soul, the human being’s supreme undertaking in the physical tabernacle where the moral mind collaborates with the indwelling divine spirit to dualize the immortal soul. From its earliest inception the soul is real; it has cosmic survival qualities.

If mortals fail to survive natural death, the real spiritual values of their human experience survive as a part of the continuing experience of the Thought Adjuster. The personality values of such a nonsurvivor persist as a factor in the personality of the actualizing Supreme Being, the evolving God of time and space. Such persisting qualities of personality are deprived of identity but not of experiential values accumulated during the mortal life in the flesh.

The survival of identity is dependent of the survival of the immortal soul of morontia status and increasingly divine value. Personality identity survives in and by the survival of the soul.

Human self-consciousness implies the recognition of the reality of selves’ other than the conscious self and further implies that such awareness is mutual; that the self is known as it knows. This is shown in a purely human manner in our social life. But you cannot become so absolutely certain of a fellow being’s reality as you can of the reality of the presence of God that lives within you. The social consciousness is not inalienable like the God-consciousness; it is a cultural development and is dependent on knowledge, symbols, and the contributions of the constitutive endowments of human beings science, morality, and religion. And these cosmic gifts, socialized, constitute civilization.

Civilizations are unstable because they are not cosmic; they are not innate in the individuals of the races. They must be nurtured by the combined contributions of the constitutive factors of human beings — science, morality, and religion. Civilizations come and go, but science, morality, and religion always survive the crash.

Unselfishness, aside from parental instinct, is not altogether natural; other persons are not naturally loved or socially served. It requires the enlightenment of reason, morality, and the urge of religion, God-knowingness, to generate an unselfish and altruistic social order. Our own personality awareness, self-consciousness, is also directly dependent on this very fact of innate other-awareness, this innate ability to recognize and grasp the reality of other personality, ranging from the human to the divine.

Unselfish social consciousness must be, at bottom, a religious consciousness; that is, if it is objective; otherwise it is a purely subjective philosophic abstraction and therefore devoid of love. Only a God-knowing individual can love another person as he loves himself.

Self-consciousness is in essence a communal consciousness: God and human being, Father and child, Creator and creature. In human self-consciousness four universe-reality realizations are latent and inherent:

1. The quest for knowledge, the logic of science.
2. The quest for moral values, the sense of duty.
3. The quest for spiritual values, the religious experience.
4. The quest for personality values, the ability to recognize the reality of God as a personality and the concurrent realization of our fraternal relations with fellow personalities.

You become conscious of a human being as your creature brother or sister because you are already conscious of God as your Creator Father.  Fatherhood is the relationship out of which we reason ourselves into the recognition of brother/sisterhood. And Fatherhood becomes, or may become, a universe reality to all moral creatures because the Father has himself bestowed personality upon all such beings and has encircuited them within the grasp of the universal personality circuit. We worship God, first, because he is, then, because he is in us, and last, because we are in him.

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